Fern Elementary

We achieve because we believe!

Upcoming Events


Tech Responsible Use Form (TRUF) & Student Publication/Audio/Video Release Form

Need to print, sign, & turn in to school to borrow school laptops, hotspots

TRUF (English) / TRUF (Chuukese) / TRUF (Marshallese) / TRUF (Ilocano) / TRUF (Tagalog) / TRUF (Vietnamese)

School Notification Memos


Annual Notification of Student Privacy Rights (FERPA)

Your Rights Under the McKinney-Vento Act (in all languages)

Family and Community Engagement Partnership

Storm Water Puzzle

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act

Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) ESSA Right to Request Notices -  in ALL languages

Notice of Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harrassment Statement

Equity Specialist for Schools in the Farrington-Kaiser-Kalani Complex

You may also contact this person for questions or concerns relating to non-discrimination and anti-harassment at your school:

Sarah MedwayEquity Specialist, Farrington Kaiser Kalani Complex Mailing AddressHonolulu District Office4967 Kilauea AvenueHonolulu, Hawaii 96816Phone Number: 808-829-7182Email Address: smedway@crco.k12.hi.us